Parish Finance Council

Finance Council Role & Responsibilities include the following:

  • The Parish Finance Council serves as an advisory committee for the Pastor.
  • In the exercise of prudence, careful sound judgement, and spirited conversation the members of the council work together making recommendations to the Pastor regarding the financial affairs of the parish.
  • The committee oversees adherence to the annual parish budget; anticipates parish financial needs and makes plans to meet those needs; and authorizes extraordinary expenditure of parish funds.
  • Members represent the diversity of the parish community, providing insight into the various needs and issues of our diverse parish community.

Our Parish Finance Council members include:

Veronica Alvarado (Development Director) Brenda McLahan
John Duffner (Parish Business Manager) Larry Moy
Fr. Bill Grogan (Pastor) Patricia Scott (Council Secretary)
John Macoretta Paul Van Thuyne

The Parish Finance Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.

For additional information, please email: