Greeters and Ushers Duties


Greeters are people of all ages who know that growing a dynamic Catholic faith community depends on creating a sense of belonging in all those who enter our church for worship.

Greeters’ regular presence at the same Masses each week allows them to become familiar with the people, making them feel known and welcome. Greeters become good at spotting people who are new to the Mass or parish, and can be key in reaching out to them, introducing them to others, and helping them become formal members of the parish. Each time on duty, it is the greeter who distributes the parish bulletin as people enter the church. Greeters make people – those who arrive early and those who arrive late – feel appreciated and a part of our parish. At the end of Mass, saying “goodbye” or “see you next week” sets the tone for coming back, and provides the opportunity to give out any special hand-outs personally and to invite them to functions, like Hospitality Weekend after Mass. Greeters need to get to church early (about 20 minutes before the Mass starts), and are responsible to switch turns with other greeters when unable to attend the Masses for which they are scheduled. Being a greeter makes you feel very much a part of the Holy Cross community!


Ushers are the faithful attendees who look after the needs of the people who come to Mass and who collect and bring their gifts up to the altar after the first part of the Mass (the Liturgy of the Word). These gifts of money and food for the needy become one with the sacrifice of Jesus, which we do “in memory” of Him in the second part of the Mass (the Liturgy of the Eucharist). The ushers also may help the greeters count the number of people attending the Mass. Since ushers are usually seated near the rear of the church, they try to notice and assist people who seem to need something. Finally, ushers help straighten out the pews in the areas where they took up the collection, leaving God’s house in good order. Ushers are responsible, pleasant, and practical in caring for the needs of the people and the church building. It is not necessary to come early, but it will take a few minutes to leave the pews neat after the Mass, and to bring the collected food down to the Food Pantry.

Specific Duties for Ushers and Greeters

  • Before the Mass begins, scout around for the other ushers, so there will be four people to take up the collection.
  • Be on the lookout for people who seem to need something, like directions to the rest room.
  • Assist in seating people on large or special occasions.
  • Turn off the fans during the readings and homily if the speakers cannot be heard and turn them on again after the homily.
  • During the homily, go upstairs to choir loft (for the best view) and count the number of people in attendance. Record the number in the green binder in the vestibule.
  • Pass the collection baskets after the Creed and Prayers of Intercession, and then bring the money and food for the poor in procession along with two people in the middle of the church who carry the hosts and wine to the priest.
  • After the Mass, take a few minutes to put the books in the pews where you took up the collection in order, and to collect any bulletins, papers or items left behind. Lost items can be placed under the tables at the entrances or in the sacristy.
  • Be on hand when needed to manage the parking for special occasions when more than the usual traffic is expected.
  • Be aware of emergency procedures and use them if needed.