
Some places to visit for your reading, praying, and internet-surfing pleasure:

Vatican Sources

The Holy See

Fratelli Tutti -encyclical letter of Pope Francis

Laudato Si – encyclical letter of Pope Francis

Fiducia Supplicans – “On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings

Synod 2023 Documents

Vatican News YouTube Channel

American Catholicism

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

Daily Mass Readings from USCCB

Catholics in Philadelphia

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia — a brief history of Roman Catholic Parishes in Philadelphia. A little thin on recent history, but a good backgrounder for mid-19th through mid-20th century local church history.

Catholic Philly — an online publication of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia


America Magazine – The Jesuit Review

President Biden speaks with America Magazine editor, Fr. Matt Malone SJ (September 2015)

Word on Fire – Bp. Robert Barron

Bishop Barron on “Why Being Good Is Not Enough” (YouTube)


Pray As You Go – a daily podcast publication of Jesuit Media Initiatives; daily prayer in the style of Ignatian spirituality, by the Jesuits in Britain. Available for download as an app.

Sacred Space – more daily prayer and meditation; follows the style of the Ignatian Examen; by the Jesuits in Ireland. Also available for download as an app.

Lectio Divina – daily prayer with sacred scripture

Catholic Viewpoints

National Catholic Reporter – an independent Catholic news source.

Simply Catholic – a collection of short essays on being “simply Catholic”. A wide variety of “Q”-and-“A” style essays, in very readable form. on a broad spectrum of Catholic life issues.

Patheos – blog hosting site for Catholic (and other religious expressions) writers.