Lent 2023 Listening Session: Hospitality

Focus Questions: Is there anything that we might be doing to increase fellowship? Expand our reach beyond our walls?

The following is a sample of what we heard in categories outlined by the Diversity/Hospitality Task Force.


Evangelization (Missionary: Focus is on sharing one’s Faith – not )

  • Organize a refreshment stand and/ or table in Chestnut Hill to talk and exchange ideas regarding questions on Faith
  • Have a parish group of various ages spend a week on a Missionary Experience, g., building houses, etc.


  • Annual Parish Picnic – set up two areas for Hospitality – some tables in front of church; more tables and kids’ games in the back parking lot; advertise as a Feast Day Mass and Parish All Are Welcome!


  • Idea: Greeter welcomes everyone and tries to get to know everyone’s first name.
  • Opinion: Please don’t ask if anybody’s new. “Haves and Have Nots” – not the idea. You’re doing well, doing a good job without fanfare either way.
  • Can we advertise Social Sunday more? Attendance has been going down; bring a person to Hospitality Sunday
  • Ladies Guild: Needs a commercial freezer and refrigerator to hold items used for our Parish gatherings


  • We can be bigger than these four walls. LGBT are a significant part of the local community. Where are they?
  • What can we do outside the walls? Inform non-Catholics of the activities in our parish.
  • Beyond our walls. Can a sign be put out to invite passersby to come in for a bit?
  • Post an article in the CH Local. (Cost of an article was commented on.}
  • Promote/Advertise: East Mt. Airy Neighbors/West Mt. Airy Neighbors/Mt. Airy local, etc.
  • Special connection with Enon Baptist Church
  • Great ideas to get people here: Voter registration; Sunday Vaccinations; Health screening.
  • We have no connection with the Germantown Jewish Center; we are in a very Jewish neighborhood.
  • ESL tutoring; ask Realtors for names of new people in the neighborhood


  • Empty Bowl Program; Possibilities for larger community- Potluck; Soup Nights with the Lent Program
  • Speaker Series: Specifically Catholic – controlled topics; social subjects and issues; people finding alternatives to online discussion groups


  • Making multi-cultural celebrations a part of our parish and embrace each other’s culture
  • Suppers with different ethnic groups
  • Have a person coordinate the food (Hospitality Sun.): vary menu; dietary restrictions, if it’s all chocolate- not good
  • Plan for: Bridge; Game Nights; Movies
  • Need small child sized furniture in the church meeting room for children during the Socials

Young Adults

  • Connect with nearby colleges: Arcadia College Community, etc.
  • Bible Sharing Group/ Theology on Tap Series


  • How can we get young people engaged?
  • How can we become attractive to young people? CYO?
  • Mentorship of children allows us to address immediate needs. Offering our presence; we carry hospitality with us.
  • Reach out to the needs of the youth – reach out to Lisa Ruffin at Pleasant Playground


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